Using Rails 5.1 with Elm


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Rails 5.1 comes with a lot changes for Javascript, making it easy to develop apps in Vue, React, and much more.

After a bit of playing around, here's how I've set up Elm with Webpack.

First make sure you have Rails 5.1 installed and Elm 0.18. This method will expect to use elm-make via webpack, so make sure it's available in your path. Webpacker also requires Node 6.4+, so make sure you have that installed, too.

Create a new rails app with --webpack

rails new app —webpack

Change in to the app directory and add the following Node packages with Yarn:

bin/yarn add elm elm-webpack-loader elm-hot-loader

Next we'll add the Foreman gem. This gem let's us use the webpack-dev-server alongside Rails.

# Gemfile
gem 'foreman'

Run bundle update afterwards to install the gem.

Create a Procfile in your project root for Foreman with the following 2 lines of code:

web: ./bin/rails server
webpack: ./bin/webpack-dev-server

Now we need to tell Webpack to look for .elm files. Go to config/webpack/paths.yml and add - .elm to the list (Note that order does matter, Putting .elm above .js will throw an error).

default: &default
  config: config/webpack
  entry: packs
  output: public
  manifest: manifest.json
  node_modules: node_modules
  source: app/javascript
    # ...
    - .coffee
    - .js
    - .elm

Go into the loaders directory and add elm.js with the following code:


module.exports = {
  test: /\.elm$/,
  exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
  loader: 'elm-hot-loader!elm-webpack-loader?verbose=true&warn=true&debug=true'

Notice in line 6 that you can configure verbosity, warnings and debugging.

Finally, it's time to write some Elm! In your app/javascript/packs/ directory create Main.elm and add this basic Elm code.

module Main exposing (..)

import Html
import String

main : Html.Html msg
main =
    "Hello World"
        |> Html.text

In the adjacent application.js file (Still in the packs directory) import your Elm file and embed it in the div element of your choice.

var Elm = require('./Main');
Elm.Main.embed( document.getElementById( 'app' ) );

Go to your application layout (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb) and import the Javascript file with the Webpack helper just above your closing body tag and add the div element wherever you wish.

    <!-- ... -->
    <div id="app"></div>
    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>

You'll need the elm-package.json to run the server, so go ahead and run elm-package install which will generate that for you.

All you need now is a view to display it in! If you haven't done this already, you can quickly create a route in config/routes.rb

get '/', to: 'application#index'

Then create view app/views/application/index.html.erb, if you put the div in the application layout, then you should now be able to see "Hello World" from Elm!

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